Package org.hbase.async

Interface Summary
HasFailedRpcException Interface implemented by HBaseExceptions that can tell you which RPC failed.
HBaseRpc.HasFamily An RPC from which you can get a family name.
HBaseRpc.HasKey An RPC from which you can get a row key name.
HBaseRpc.HasQualifier An RPC from which you can get a column qualifier name.
HBaseRpc.HasQualifiers An RPC from which you can get multiple column qualifier names.
HBaseRpc.HasTable An RPC from which you can get a table name.
HBaseRpc.HasTimestamp An RPC from which you can get a timestamp.
HBaseRpc.HasValue An RPC from which you can get a value.
HBaseRpc.HasValues An RPC from which you can get multiple values.

Class Summary
AtomicIncrementRequest Atomically increments a value in HBase.
Bytes Helper functions to manipulate byte arrays.
Bytes.ByteMap<V> A convenient map keyed with a byte array.
ClientStats HBaseClient usage statistics.
Counter An atomic counter to replace AtomicLong.
DeleteRequest Deletes some data into HBase.
GetRequest Reads something from HBase.
HBaseClient A fully asynchronous, thread-safe, modern HBase client.
HBaseRpc Abstract base class for all RPC requests going out to HBase.
KeyValue A "cell" in an HBase table.
PutRequest Puts some data into HBase.
RowLock An explicit row lock.
RowLockRequest Acquires an explicit row lock.
Scanner Creates a scanner to read data sequentially from HBase.

Exception Summary
BrokenMetaException Indicates that the .META. or -ROOT- table is corrupted.
ConnectionResetException Exception thrown when an RPC was in flight while we got disconnected.
HBaseException The parent class of all RuntimeException created by this package.
InvalidResponseException Exception used when the server sends an invalid response to an RPC.
NonRecoverableException An exception for which it's typically pointless to retry (such as TableNotFoundException).
NoSuchColumnFamilyException Exception thrown when attempting to use a nonexistent column family.
NotServingRegionException Exception thrown when we attempted to use a region that wasn't serving from that particular RegionServer.
PleaseThrottleException This exception notifies the application to throttle its use of HBase.
RecoverableException An exception for which it's typically useful to retry (such as RegionOfflineException).
RegionOfflineException Exception thrown when we attempted to find a region, but it wasn't being served by any RegionServer (it's "offline" in HBase speak).
RemoteException An unclassified exception that occurred on the server side.
TableNotFoundException Exception thrown when an attempt to use an inexistent table was made.
UnknownRowLockException Exception thrown when we try to use an invalid or expired RowLock.
UnknownScannerException Exception thrown when we try to use an invalid or expired scanner ID.
VersionMismatchException Indicates that an RPC version mismatch occurred.